David Rigdon

Systems Administrator

David Rigdon | Systems Administrator

October 19, 2024 - ProPresenter and Onyx Integration

This guide was created to document the process to integrate ProPresenter and Obsidian Onyx via MIDI. In our configuration, we are running ProPresenter 17 on a Windows 11 machine, and Onyx on a separate Windows 11 PC connected to each other via the ethernet network.

November 15, 2023 - PowerShell: Update PowerBI application

This script was created to allow for semi-automatic deployment of updates to PowerBI Desktop.

October 23, 2023 - Self-Elevate Powershell Snippet

Snippet Breakdown This is by far one of my most favorite snippets… To use, paste this snippet at the beginning of your script, and when it runs it determines if it is running in an elevated session, and if not re-launches script to be elevated: